Ludwig-Danube-Main Canal

Links regarding Ludwig-Danube-Main Canal.

Most of the links below are going to pages written in German. English pages are marked with * at the end.

Renovation of lock 58

Celebrating „Ten years Lock 13“

Good news! Lock 31 shall be exposed

Baukunst Nürnberg

Helicopter Tour along the Old Canal

Förderverein FEN (about Main-Danube Canal)

Gemeinde Burgthann

Canelpages of Hans Grüner

Canelpages of Gerhard Wilhelm

Canelpages of Matthias Weinrich

Kreisfeuerwehrverband Einsatzbericht 07.03.2001

Kreisfeuerwehrverband Einsatzbericht 01.08.2002


Wasserwirtschaftsamt Landshut

Wikipedia *


YouTube - Erlebnis Kanal

YouTube - Robert Bozsak